Showing all 4 results

Allen and Heath SQ7 Sale

Original price was: $354.99.Current price is: $106.50.
Allen and Heath SQ7 32 Onboard Preamps 16 Line Outputs 33 Faders / 6 Layers 16 Assignable SoftKeys 8 Assignable

Mackie ProFX12 Fashion

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $11.00.
Mackie ProFX12 ProFX Series Compact Effects Mixers with USB offer the most complete and professional feature set in the compact

Mackie ProFX8 Online

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.
Mackie ProFX8 ProFX Series Compact Effects Mixers with USB offer the most complete and professional feature set in the compact

Midas M32 Sale

Original price was: $354.99.Current price is: $106.50.
Midas M32 The groundbreaking M32 console combines legendary MIDAS sound quality with advanced digital technology, future-proof 96 kHz capable open