AT2035 Microphone Mod Kit
The Audio-Technica AT2035 is a popular starter microphone, with robust build quality, reasonable frequency response, and useful pad/filter switches. This upgrade kit takes the mic to the next level by replacing the entire audio circuit.
The mic’s existing capsule is capable of good performance. It avoids the sonic sins committed by most inexpensive microphones. It provides a relatively flat frequency response, and controlled proximity effect. It works well for close mic placements. We retain the original capsule in this mod because the new circuit unlocks a level of performance not achieved by the original circuit.
The new circuit is based on the Neumann KM84. It is a single-stage JFET design with a custom output transformer. The circuit is tuned to provide some second-harmonic coloration under moderate SPL. This design gives character to vocals and acoustic guitar tracks.
The modified microphone has 3dB higher output, and slightly extended bass response. The simplified signal path, hand-selected JFET, vintage output capacitor, and larger transformer provide a richer, more musical sound.
This kit fits the Audio-Technica AT2035.
This kit is not known to be compatible with any other Audio-Technica microphone.
If you have an AT2020, see the AT2020 upgrade kit.
If you have an AT3035, see the AT3035 upgrade kit.
The modified AT2035 works beautifully on vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, woodwinds and strings. With the pad engaged, it works for louder sources such as drum overheads.
We do not recommend this mic for close placement on snare, kick drum, or toms.
Recommended Skill Level
We do not recommend this kit for first-time mic builders. See the T-25; it is easier to build, and a better choice for your first circuit build project.
What’s in the box?
The AT2035 mod kit is a DIY electronics project; you must solder components and wires to a PCB. If you lack the interest, skills, or tools to modify your own AT2035, we can upgrade your microphone for you; order the AT2035 upgrade service here.
The kit contains:
- Custom PCB
- All the components needed to populate the PCB
- Transformer and transformer mount
- Vintage brass MP logo badge
- Detailed step-by-step mic build instructions
NOT included:
- AT2035 donor microphone
- Solder
- Soldering iron and other required tools; see our recommended tools listing
Customer Review
Greg Hendler of GMH Audio posted this comprehensive comparison of the stock AT2035 to the modified AT2035. You can hear the mic on acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, and drums. The difference is easily audible, and compelling. Thanks, Greg!